Wednesday, November 28, 2012

And I keep on going...

At the beginning of March earlier this year, I sat down at my computer and began to write a novel. It wasn't my first attempt at writing one, but I was strangely determined about it. Most of the other attempts I've made at writing one contain only a page or two. There's even one that I filled an entire notebook with before giving up. I realize now that those other novel attempts were my experiments. I didn't know which writing method was best for me or how I wanted to approach this daunting task, so I was testing myself. They were never finished because I didn't find the right method. I found different books on writing (and even got one from my sister for my birthday that helped), and I read and read and read. After reading some more, I think that I finally figured it out.
I had a revelation today just as I blazed past 30,000 words. I thought, I can do this. I'm going to finish this novel, and I'm going to get it published. I can feel it. The end is a foreseeable goal and no longer just a dream. It keeps my fingers working and my brain focused. A new kind of determination overcame me and threw my mind into a frenzy of thoughts as I continued plotting and writing. It helps that the scene I'm working on is filled with lots of action. It's one I've been looking forward to writing for a while now.
When it's finally all written, I just might cry. I know that I'll have tons of editing to do, but at least it'll all be there, down on paper, as a solid and concrete thing. The video I've put below isn't related to writing a novel in any way, but it's fun and dance-y. I plan on blasting it as I jump around like a lunatic once I type in that last word.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

For the love of YA

If you know me, you definitely know that I'm a huge bibliophile. When I go to the library, I usually come home with a teetering stack of books in my hands. In fact, the perfect night off from work consists of a large book that forces me to read through the night and well into the early morning. Although I'm no longer a teenager, I prefer the YA genre above all others. I'm so happy that it's become a very popular, ever expanding section of libraries and bookstores. It's a good thing that it's now become normal for mothers to read the same books as their daughters because I don't think I'll ever grow out of reading them.
What do I love about the YA genre? Seeing as teenagers are beings that possess an astounding amount of emotions, the stories are very exciting to read and the possibilities are endless. I won't lie to you. My teen years weren't exactly fraught with rebellion or peril.  You may even call them downright boring. I was the good girl who never snuck out, did all my homework, and loved school. Reading YA gives me the chance to experience a different kind of adolescence, while at the same time bringing me back those fundamental teenage emotions without actually having to be a teen again. I shudder to think of that ever being possible.
My love for YA continues onward. I'm always on the search for the next novel that'll give me sleepless nights and an obsession that can only be quelled by another novel that makes me feel the same way. It's because of these books that I want to become an author. My love for writing comes from all of those hours spent reading YA novels.

P.S. There's this cool contest going on HERE. Beth Revis is giving away a ton of books, and I'm totally entering.